Friday, August 5, 2011

Do I have tonsillitis?

Hello, My Name is Anthony. Im kinda worried. I'm 19 years old and yesterday my throat started becoming sore, and it became hard to swallow. I looked in my mouth and saw that on the left and right of my uvula it was more puffy than usual. and looked like it something has inflated. Someone told me it might be tonsillitis so i looked online as some pictures and it looked pretty similar. I don't have any puss or anything like that its just inflated. I gargled some salt water earlier and have been consuming lots of water. Ive been progressivly feeling weaker as well. My bones crack if I lay down for a few minutes, everything is going stiff. Is there any way to determine if this is Bacterial or Viral. I don't know if it can inflate so much that I wont be able to breath. So can anyone help me out :D

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