Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Will this work, I need to know?

I have a little less than 4% body fat but before I had around 30% body fat. First you must realize the difference between loose fat and loosing weight. You want to loose fat not weight, in order to do this you must do A LOT of running. I recommend you getting at least around 40 miles of running a week (6 to 7 miles of running a day). When you run never walk, it's better to run at a much slower pace than it is to walk, try to run at a pace which you can maintain for 6 to 7 miles. If you don't think you can run 6 to 7 miles all at once than break up the running. Run 3.5 miles before your work out and than run another 3.5 miles after you work out. You should feel sore around the thighs and calves (which is a good thing). After you run I recommend you only doing calisthenics and NO form a weigh lifting. Lifting weights cause your muscle to fatigue quickly and tricks the brain to eat more than it needs to repair damaged muscle tissue. I believe that you are a strong guy so simply just preform push ups and sit ups to apply resistance to your muscles (I assume you know what exercises to preform and how many increments you should do in a set). You should reach your target goal in know time (no more than 3 months). If you have any questions, comments, or concerns feel free to e-mail me at quadrilasisi@gmail.com.

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